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PCI Compliance

What does PCI compliance mean?
The full acronym is "PCI-DSS" and it stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. It's a group of rules that merchants must follow to keep credit card data secure.

Do I have to be PCI compliant?
All merchants who accept credit cards are required by the card associations to be PCI compliant. Some merchants don't follow best practices, and opt for non-compliance.

What happens if I'm not compliant?
Being PCI non-compliant is risky. If you compromise your customer's data, you could be responsible for hefty fines and data breach claims from your customers. Not good!

Is PCI compliance the law?
No, you're not legally required to be PCI compliant., However, the card brands can choose to revoke your ability to accept credit cards if they feel your non-compliance is a risk.

How do I become PCI compliant?
For most merchants, PCI compliance only takes a modest amount of energy, a few times a year. You'll answer an annual questionnaire, and complete quarterly network scans.

What is P2PE, and why should I care?
P2PE stands for "Point to Point Encryption". In a nutshell, it means that sensitive data is immediately encrypted by the terminal. It's the safest method of processing.
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