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Image by Kelly Sikkema

Implementing and utilizing fraud mitigation tools

Many merchants don't realize that in order to receive low interchange rates in a card-not-present environment, you are required to check a customer's address.

For in-person sales, this won't really apply. For any dipped/swiped transaction, all security data is included in the mag-stripe or EMV chip. So merchants don't have to "do" anything special to ensure that the data is sent in with the sale, it's happening automatically.


Not online! Fundamentally, you only need 3 components to run a sale - the card number, expiration date, and the amount. (Read more here). Although it's strongly recommended to submit additional data points, but they're not required. You'll simply receive the worst possible interchange rate structure if you don't submit extra data! As such - it's vital you submit at a minimum the AVS (address verification system) information. This is otherwise known as the "address check" - even getting a mismatch will still net you the lower interchange rates! Visa/MasterCard just want to ensure that you went through the process of checking. Once you do, you get the lower rates, automatically.


It sounds basic, but it makes such good sense. The card associations want to encourage fraud mitigation! They want you to be making wise decisions for your business - so they reward good behavior with lower rates, it's as easy as that.

We're serious about saving money.

AND is dedicated to getting your processing rates as close to zero as possible. We utilize membership pricing along with cash discounting and surcharging programs to maximize savings. Let our analysts review your statements and see how much money we can put back in your pockets. 

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